シングルオリジン抹茶 出島園 京都 / Single origin Matcha DEJIMAEN
シングルオリジン抹茶 出島園 京都 / Single origin Matcha DEJIMAEN
DEJIMAEN Kyoto Japan

「人は、お茶でつながる。」 お茶と出会いは、いつも一緒にやってきます。はじめましても、久しぶりも、いつも会う顔も。一期一会に、美味しいお茶を。 「出島園 京都」 京都南部に位置するシングルオリジン抹茶農園、出島園。 東に木津川、西に生駒山系甘南備山が連なる、お茶づくりに適した豊かな自然環境に恵まれています。初代が在来種の種を植えてから現在まで、一〇〇年以上に渡り、有機質肥料と発酵肥料を使用した土づくり、天候の変化に伴う細やかな遮光率の調整、品種で異なる畑の環境や茶摘みのタイミングなど、積み上げてきた歴史と経験に、本気の情熱を注いで、「一期一会に、美味しいお茶」 づくりをつづけています。 「単一品種へのこだわり」 出島園の抹茶は、単一品種(シングルオリジン)にこだわっています。大小併せて十八ケ所の茶畑に渡り、様々な品種のお茶木を栽培しております。「さみどり」、「さえみどり」、「やぶきた」、「ごこう」、「うじひかり」、「てんみょう」、「ざいらい」の計七品種。七種それぞれ、品種毎の個性豊かな味わいを感じて頂きたいからこそ、抹茶は、単一品種のみの茶葉を使い、混合(ブレンド)はせずに仕上げております。 こだわりのお茶が定評を呼び、 ミシュラン星付きレストラン、老舗料亭、有名パティスリー、海外のショコラコンテスト用にと、 多くの食のプロフェッショナルがご贔屓にしてくださっています。品種毎の個性をがあるからこそ、趣向に合ったお好みのオリジナルのブレンドを創作し、御賞味頂けると幸いです。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "TEA UNITES PEOPLE." Whether you are meeting for the first time, or a good friend you haven’t seen in a while, or just someone you see on a regular basis - it is all over tea. From the “Nice to meet you” to the “long time no see”, it is all over tea. Treasure every meeting for that unique experience will never recur. Savor the moment with a perfect cup of tea for every occasion. <DEJIMAEN KYOTO> Dejimaen is a Japanese tea farm located just South of Kyoto. It is the perfect environment for growing tea as it is rich in natural resources with the Kizugawa river on the East and Mt. Kan’nabi of the Ikoma mountain range on the West. It has been over a century since the founder first planted the native Japanese tea seeds. Here at Dejimaen, there is a rich history and a passion for making that perfect, delicious cup of tea for every occasion. In addition, we take pride in knowing and using various techniques to make our teas. Our soil is made with organic and fermented fertilizersand we make frequent shading adjustments with weather changes. We have tremendous expertise and knowledge in evaluating the various farm environments necessary for every kind of tea. Most importantly, we know the exact timing for picking the tea according to its kind. We have continuously made our tea the perfect tea to be at your every meeting for a rich, one of a kind, unique experience. "INDIVIDUALITY OF OUR TEA VARIETIES" At Dejimaen, we grow a total of 7 teas in 18 large and small tea farms. The varieties are "SAMIDORI", "SAEMIDORI", "YABUKITA", "GOKOO", "UJIHIKARI", "TEN'MYO" and "ZAIRAI." We recommend that you first enjoy our “SINGLE ORIGIN TEA.” Grown in 18 different environments, each of the aforementioned 7 tea varieties gets its rich taste. Its distinct flavor varies year by year. With each tea's unique properties and characteristics, the possibilities are endless as you blend your own cup of tea to enjoy! This would give us great pleasure! A select variety of our carefully grown tea has developed a reputation by many food professionals. They are used in a variety of settings from Michelin-starred restaurants to long-established Japanese traditional restaurants as well as famous French Patisseries. Our teas are even used for chocolate contests!